Some time before 1850 William and Elizabeth Cauthen moved to Davidson
County, Tennessee. By 1860 William Cauthen is shown in the census records as
living in Cheatham County, Tennessee with four of his children John, James,
Sarah and Mary. His wife Elizabeth is not listed, having died by this
time. Her
child was Benjamin Franklin Cauthron born in either Davidson or Cheatham
County, Tennessee on April 18, 1857 just a short time before
the civil war.
From left to right - son Ebb, Benjamin Sr. and Jady (click to enlarge)-
I have found no record yet of where Benjamin lived in the 1860 census. I suspect that since his mother died when he was so young he was raised by a relative. In the 1870 census at the age of 13 years he is shown living in Cheatham County with his sister Sarah Jane and her husband Isaac W. Reed. Next door living with her uncle is his step mother Patsy M. Cauthen and her son , my great grandfather David Alexander Cauthen. Benjamin Cauthron was the only one of William's sons that David Alexander knew.
In the census of 1880 Benjamin is shown living with Loch Lovell in Cheatham County and it is noted in the census " No kin, helps on farm".
Benjamin Franklin Cauthron married Mary Jane Hobbs in Nashville, Tennessee on January 8, 1882. They lived off of river road in the West Nashville area and had eight children who are listed in the family tree section of this web site.
According to Nellie Napier Ben's granddaughter he spent much of his life logging and farming. He bought property up a hollow near the old Collins swimming pool and lake in Nashville, Tennessee. According to Wanza Zech, Mary Jane bought 50 acres of land (more or less) in the 12th civil district of Davidson County. The deed says the land came from the Richard Hobb's place.
Benjamin died September 12, 1926 and was buried in the Hobbs Family Burying ground. This cemetery is located between the office and tennis court at Ridge Lake Apartments on Old Hickory Blvd. in Bellevue, Tennessee. No marker can be found but according to Nellie Napier who was there when he was buried he had a metal marker. There are metal markers in the grave yard but no names are visible due to age.